



※ 歩いてご乗船のお客様はご予約の必要はございません。出港の10分前までに乗船券をお買い求めください
※ バイク・自転車のご予約はお受けいたしておりません。ご利用のお客様は乗船当日、乗船用駐車場にお並びの順に整理券を当日発行いたします

WEB予約注意事項(WEB reservation notes.)

  • ブラウザの「戻る」ボタンを使用しないでください。
  • 車長4~6m未満の車両と同乗者のWEB予約が可能です
  • 往復でのご利用の場合、片道ずつのご予約が必要となります
  • WEB予約では乗船日の2か月前から出航の3時間前までご予約になれます


  • Do not use your browser’s “back” button.
    Please be sure to use the buttons on each page to return to the previous page.
  • You can make online reservations for vehicles less than 4-6 meters in length and passengers.
  • For round-trip travel, a reservation must be made for each trip.
  • Online reservations can be made from 2 month before the boarding date to 3 hours before departure.
    Please note that we do not accept reservations during busy periods.

*Numbered tickets will be issued on the day in the order of lining up in the boarding parking lot.


  • WEB予約は片道運賃の表示になります
  • 往復利用ご希望のお客様は乗船当日往路の港でチケット購入時に「往復利用」とお申し付けください
  • WEB予約事前決済との重複割引はございません

About round trip discount.

  • Web reservations will display one-way fares.
  • If you wish to use a round trip, please indicate “round trip” when purchasing your ticket at the port of departure on the day of boarding.
  • Advance payment for online reservation and round trip discount cannot be done at the same time.


  • 注:車輌(運転手1名含)の割引はございません
  • 障がい者割引・団体割引適用で事前決済ご希望のお客様は車輌のみのご予約をお願いいたします
  • WEB予約では障がい者の割引・団体割引での料金表示はしておりません
  • 身障手帳・療育手帳・精神障害者保健福祉手帳をお持ちのお客様ご本人様と介護者の旅客運賃が5割引となります。当日窓口にてお支払いお願いいたします
  • 事前決済割引との重複割引はございません
  • 身障手帳・療育手帳・精神障害者保健福祉手帳をお持ちの方は当日乗船手続きの際にお見せください
  • ご旅行中は、「身体障害者手帳」または「療育手帳」をご携帯ください
  • 障害者手帳アプリ「ミライロID」(以下「ミライロID」といいます)のご呈示でもご購入いただけますが、マイナポータルとデータ連携されたものに限ります
  • 「ミライロID」のご呈示でご購入された場合も、ご旅行中の「手帳」の携帯は必要です

About discounts for people with disabilities and group discounts.

  • Note: There is no discount for vehicles (including one driver)
  • If you would like to apply for discounts for people with disabilities or groups and to pay in advance, please reserve the vehicle only.
  • Online reservation does not display discounts fares for people with disabilities and group discounts.
  • Passenger fares will be discounted by 50% for passengers and their caregivers who have physical disability notebook rehabilitation notebook, or mental disability health and welfare notebook.
    Please pay at the counter on the day of boarding.
  • Advance payment for online reservation and discount for people with disabilities cannot be done at the same time.
  • Those who have physical disability notebook, rehabilitation notebook, or mental disability health and welfare notebook, please show it at the time of boarding procedure.
  • While traveling, please carry your “Physical Disability notebook” or “Rehabilitation notebook” with you.
  • You can also purchase with presenting your physical disability notebook app “Mirairo ID” (hereinafter referred to as “Mirairo ID”), but only if the data is linked with Mynaportal.
  • Even if you purchased by presenting your Mirairo ID, you will still need to carry your notebook with you during your trip.


  • 大人:中学生以上の方
  • 小人:小学生の方
  • 幼児:小学校入学前のお子様(大人1名に付き1名まで無料)


  • 幼児は大人1名につき1名まで無料となりますが、それを超える場合は小人扱いとなり、小人料金が必要となります


  • 0才の乳児は、人数にカウントされません

Regarding the classification of adults, children, infants, and infants.

  • Adults: Junior high school students and above.
  • Dwarf: Elementary school student.
  • Infants: Children before entering elementary school (up to 1 child per adult is free)

About infants.

  • Up to one infant per adult is free of charge, but any infant exceeding this limit will be treated as a child and will be charged the child fare.

About infants.

  • Infants under the age of 0 are not counted in the number of people.


Regarding confirmation and cancellation of reservation details

  • You can confirm and cancel your reservation on My Page.

WEB予約事前決済注意事項(Advance -payment notes for online reservations)



  • 当社が提供するWEB決済は、オーソリゼーション(与信確認)という機能を利用し、お客様のクレジットカードの利用限度額からご予約内容の金額分のみを、 乗船当日の受付時まで預からせていただき、乗船駐車場の入り口で確認後売り上げ情報がクレジットカード会社に送信される仕組みとなっております
  • WEB決済ご利用時は、決済代行会社(GMO)のページにてお客様のクレジット情報を入力していただきます。決済代行会社(GMO)の万全なセキュリティ体制下での処理となりますので、安心してご利用いただけます。


  • 予約完了メールに事前決済・マイページ用のURLリンクをクリックして決済へお進みください
  • ご予約の内容とご乗船時の情報が異なる場合は、ご乗船前に熊本フェリーの窓口にて予約の変更手続きやお支払い手続きを行っていただく場合がございます

About the procedure.

  • Click on the pre-payment/my page URL link in the reservation completion email to proceed to payment.
  • If the details of your reservation and the information at the time of boarding are different, you may be required to change your reservation or complete payment procedures at the Kumamoto Ferry counter before boarding.
    *Please bring your credit card with you on the day of boarding.
    Example: The number of people is different from the number of people at the time of reservation, the length of the car is different, etc.


  • WEB予約事前決済のお支払方法は、クレジットカード決済となります。
    ご利用可能なクレジットカードは、JCB・VISA・Mastercard・AMEX です
  • 予約番号ごとの決済に対応しております。

Payment method.

  • The payment method for online reservation advance payment is credit card payment.
    Acceptable credit cards are JCB, VISA, Mastercard, and AMEX.
  • We deal with payment by reservation number.
    Separate reservation numbers are issued for outbound and return trips, so customers who have made a round-trip reservation must pay for each reservation separately (once for the outbound trip and once for the return trip).


  1. マイページで元のご予約のキャンセルをお願いします
  2. 次にご希望の内容でご予約をお願いします
  3. 最後に取り直した予約の決済をマイページよりお願いします

Reservation change.

  1. Please cancel your original reservation on My Page.
  2. Please make a reservation with your desired content.
  3. Please make payment for your last revised reservation on My Page.


  • マイページのキャンセルの最終受付は、ご予約頂いた便の出発の20分前です
  • マイページでは、予約のキャンセルと決済のキャンセルに対応しております
  • 乗船駐車場前のゲートを通過したあとのキャンセルのご要望は熊本フェリーの窓口のみで受付が可能です

Cancellation of reservation.

  • The last occasion to cancel My Page is 20 minutes before the departure of your reserved boat.
  • You can cancel reservations and payments on My Page.
  • Requests for cancellation after passing through the gate, it is only available at the Kumamoto Ferry counter.


  • 乗船前の返金について
  • 乗船ゲート通過後の返金について

About refunds.

  • Regarding refunds before boarding.
    If there are no mistakes in the reservation details and information at the time of boarding, we will bill you as soon as you pass through the boarding gate.
    If the cancellation is determined or canceled before boarding, the customer will not be billed.
  • Regarding refunds after passing the boarding gate.
      Refund amount: Refund will be made after deducting the cancellation fee.
      Refund method: Refunds will be made through your credit card company.
    After the refund process is completed, it will be done at the next time your card is charged.


  • クレジット事前決済をご利用の場合

cancellation charge

  • When using credit card advance payment.
    If you do not board the ship without notification of cancellation, 100% of the boarding amount will be charged as a cancellation fee.

※予約確認メールは  から配信されますので、こちらも受信可能リストに追加をお願いします(特にDocomoのお客様)